المقررات المتاحة
Number of topics: 3
🟠 Intermediate
Number of topics: 4
🔴 Advanced
In this course we study three films: Spider, A Beautiful Mind, and Fight Club. The main focus of the course will be the ways in which psychosis is represented in the films in terms of macro, plot, narrative structure and micro etc. We consider the wider cultural meaning and implication of films dealing with psychology.
Ages 16+
Number of topics: 4
🔴 Advanced
This course is designed for students studying Russian history. While it is aimed at British students working towards an examination, the content is suitable for any class studying the subject. Ages 15-18.
Number of topics: 4
🟠 Intermediate
Create courses to give your learners a mindful, stress-free experience with the new features of Moodle 4.0.
Number of topics: 3
🟢 Beginner